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Newspaper Archive of
Mineral County Independent-News
Hawthorne , Nevada
June 23, 1965     Mineral County Independent-News
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June 23, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Mineral County Independent-News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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°AGE FOUR OSchurz News • By  Walter Voorbe Twelve young people Irom the Methodist Youth Fellow. ship, Kennewick, Washington, arrived in Schurz Friday after. noon for a week&apos;s work camp. Rev. C. K. Echitbarter, Mrs. Doris Brandon, Mrs. Vi Palmer and Mrs. Mary Baird came with the group. This week, the young people are holding a vacation Bible school for the children in the community. Wednesday evening, at 7 o'- clock, at the V Hall, a com. munity potluck supper was held in honor of Mrs. Magda Bolger, retiring teacher of the 3rd and 4th grades in the Schurz FAementary S c h o o L Mrs. Bolger has been teaching in Schurz the past 13 years. Approx2mately 250 were served and acting as MC for the evening, Ray Willie presented Mrs. Bolger with gits of ap- preciation and friendship from the community. WOODY HERMAN, noted or- hestr leader, returns to Hal-. r$h's Reno Lounge on July 1. The Columbi reeording star will be featured in the lounge through July 14. 4- :: = = ul m - ±- : OLumng News by Dorothy Ide MINERAL COUNTY INDEPENDLT NEWS, Hwthorne, Nevada License Approved For New Casino At Lake Tahoe Nevada State Gaming Com. mission on Tuesday approved a license for 98 slot machines and seven gaming tables at the new Tahoe Nugget, sched- uled to open July 1. Licensees are Richard L. Chartrand of Fresno, Calif., 90 per cent, and Woodrow W. Loftin of Haw- thorne, 10 per cent• A new building has been erected to house the Tahoe. Nugget, located near the sKe of the old Oliver's Club a short distance north of the major gaming center at Stateline on the south shore of the lake. Vehicle Owners and Drivers Must File Change of Address An appeal for all Nevada 5rivers and vehicle owners who have changed their address to notify the Department of Mo- tor Vehicles promptly, in order to assure greater success of Pat Brady returned home some of the data processing Mrs. Erma Foster entertain-[Saturday from the Veterans programs of the department, edwith a bLrthday party at herlhospital in Reno. [was issued, this week by Di- home, Sunday afternoon m[  [re,,tor Lores P. Spitz. honor of daughter Tanzy who[ Albert Grimaldi and J.T.[ The current vehicle regis. celebrated her 8th birthday.[Jones of Coalinga, Calif., visit.[tration program, which mails Enjoying an a£terno on of[ed in Luning Wednesday. [the registration renewal to the games and a wiener roast were Ivehicle owner, and the new J o y c e Sammaripa, Marlene Martinez, Pare Brown, Karen Crowley. IAnda Moose, Ann .Tuise Willie, Jackie, Jennifer and Nelson Jim, Kee Iinekl  and Teddy Foster. Dr. and ]Mrs. David S. La. Mure and children of, Haw. thorne, and Miss Alice Colby of DeSoto, Missouri, were Sun. day evening guests o£ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hereford. Miss Colby, a cousin of Dr. La{ure, had returned to Nevada with them as the LaMures had visit- ed family membem in Missouri just recently. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen and daughter Elaine and Mrs. Catherine MartJxmz were Mon- day visitors in Carson City and Stewart. Mrs. Walita Carter was a business visitor in Reno and Carson City on Monday. The Richard Allen family left Tuesday for a two-week vacation trip to Arizona, where they will visit with relatives and friends in Whiteriver and Cique. ,Miss Beverly Lcmkwood and! her brother, Lewis, left the 15th of this month for San Jose, Calif. Beverly will be attending Cosmetology School and Low will be on direct re: location. Charlie Thacker of Owyhee visited the past weekend with his grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Andrews and aunt, Mrs. Minnie Voorhees. Mr. and Mrs. Nycumn of Carson ,City visited Thursday with Mrs. Ame2ia Silas an£ Lloyd. JenT Vidovich and fami] spent the past weekend in San Frandsco. Peturning h o m e Sunday night, daughter Helen came for a week's visit with her father. " Mr. and Mrs. John Aden left Tuesday for Illinois. Mrs.I ,Fred Kunde went as far as Chicago with them and then on to visit her daughter in Michi, gan. Mr. Aden's sister passed away the day they ar- rived in Illinois. Nina Short, Audrey Haigh and Dorothy Ide spent last Wednesday in Virginia City to' mail program which soon will be initiated in driver licensing, both require that we have a current mailing address," Spitz emphasized, adding, "It allows the department to give the pub. lic both a faster and ,better quality service." Vehicle registration renewal forms currently are mailed to Nevada auto owners and can be returned to the DMV with. Word was received on Thurs. day of the death of Mrs. Sadie Democratic Women Form Assocition For Six Counties Delegates from the six coun-i ties of the Western Nevada Associated Democratic Worn-[ en's Clubs met at Lake Topaz' on June 15. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Ger- tie Giomi. Attending t h e conference from Mineral county were Mary Berryman, Marge Ingle; Grace Zimdars, Ann Logar, Lena Hammer and Wllma Moo. dy. The association was formed to foster cooperation among the various clubs in the Wes- tern Nevada territory and to assist in bringing worthwhile programs to the various clubs as well as to encourage women to take a more active part in Jut Wedne :---2 Local Giris Given I Offices in Rainbow I Grand Assembly 1  The Service Nevada G .' ternational oader-Oel:X):l q  J Mornin Sunday, for Girls, held who have session in the new convention Saviour center in Las Vegas, Nevada i on June 13 - 15. I Z joined are This session was presided Sumer over by Miss Judy Sutton of ences for Las Vegas, grand worthy ad. visor of Nevada, 19644}5, and Mrs. Margaret Kofoed, suq preme inspector. ] The so.ion was very beau- i tiful and inspirational from be} ginning to end. The girls en- I joyed the serious aspects of[ the session as well as cute! skits, drills, etc., put on by the I various Assemblies in the state. They also found time[ for swimming and general[ good times together. [ and The next time you make held a phone call, notice how Tahoe at clearly you can hear the 17. ¥ou other person's voice, phnning .just as if he were stand- their mg next to you. Quite Pastor not: an improvement over of this the early phones when you had to shout to be heard at the other end of the line. To make The this improvement pos- sible, we have had to visit the Metzer art show at St. Mary's gallery. Mrs. Rue Loyd and family visited in Luning and Gabbs Sunday. out making a special trip or needlessly standing in line. The new driver license re- newal form also will be sent directly to the applicanL How- ever, he will be required to Democratic Party activities. , On Tuesday evening, amid[ Counties represented in the much'excitement and suspenee, i association are Mineral, Lyon, the new officers for 1965o6| Churchill, O r m s b y, Washoe were appointed. Miss Diane[ and Dougms. iT)e Roomer, of Sparks, was[ An election of officers of the[ named as grand worthy advis. association resulted in the sol.lot of the International Order ection of: Wilma Moody, presi-[of Rainbow for Girls, State of dent, five vice presidents as[Nevada. follows: Mildred 'Bray, Orms.[ Among the many girls ehos. by; Virginia Christlaw, Doug-[en to serve with Diane during las; Katherine Teauser, Lyon;the year we were honored to Gertrude Norcutt, Churchill;[have Miss Patty Wallace and Frances Wright, Washoe.[daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jell Corresponding secretary, Mary[Wallace of Hawthorne, choser ,Berryman, Mineral; recording[as grand chaplain; and Mis secretary, Betty Byer, Wash- I Karen Smith, daughter of lVh-. oe; treasurer, Virginia Mrs. Henry Kruger, also law, Douglas; parliamentarian,]of Hawthorne. as grand repro. Virginia Glanotti, Washoe. ]sentative to Alabama. I Mrs. Efleen Robertson wiI1 SUCCETTI RELATIVF_, [continue as grand deputy o VISIT IN COUNTY [Hawthorne Assembly No. 12 Visiting in Hawthorne and.and Tonopah Assembly iNo. 15. wina the fore part of the week[ Attending Grand Assembly were O. Succetti and his sis.! from Hawthorne were: Karen ter, Mrs. Clori Spiers, both of Smith, Linda Barker, Kathy Fair ,Oaks, Calif., and Mrs. Brown, Betty /.,arson, BetIt Spiers cousin, Dolla MainettIBagwell, Linda Smith, Allison of Albuquerque, N.M., and Churchyard, Cheryl Phalen, granddaughter, Patricia Owen, Joni Nelson, Dawnette Orn. of Sacramento. Mr. Succetti' dorff, Sandra Hummell, Linda and Mrs. Spiers were here to McGoldrick, Toni Johnson, Her. look after property interesI mina Millsap, Janet Pellett, take it to the driver license of the estate of their deceased: and Lee Ann Petty. latty ] Word has been received of examiner for the visual screen-brother, E. Succetti, long.timel Wallace, Carol Anderson anc the death of Mrs. Sade Lutrell ing test and payment of :fees resident of Mina. [Marsha Masayko, who serve of Yreka, Calif. She will be before becoming a valid driv t ,remembered as the sister of er's license, f as grand officers during the N-- ad ....... IIUU- PARTY [last term were also present. Ida O'Brien and has visited in . ev aa unver acene law re.[FRIDA Y NIGHT ] On the final day of the sea. Luning several times. She was qmres maz any person wnosel ..... ]sion Patty Wallace, Marsha x nere will e another muu buried Saturday at Etna, Calif. address changes because of a[ "i.Masa, ko Cheryl Russell a*d move, or whose name is chain] muu party this Friday, June Mr $'"'i' *<:'-" -- ' • 25 at the Masonic "-'" - .wm am t;. wmougny re- Mr. and Mrs. AI Freeman and ged due to marriage or other- , tu, ±uua iv ......... • and J streets from ...... ce ea me rana .Toss o ol- daughter Riekle of Salt Lake wise, must notify the Depart- t: umn or award for outstanding sere- City are visiting at the Willie ment of Motor, Vehicles, in midnight. It is being spon- Buffihgton home. Mrs. Bur- writing, within 10 days. so,,ed by Electa Court No. 8. ice to the Assembly. fington is the daughter of Mrs. Drivers noticing the depart. "So come on ladies, with Freeman. ment of a move should include your muu-muus and gents ' W" .... Iboth the new and old address, i th your bermuda shorts. ee ing at the pareatal Fred Kin.[es. Name changes also should,Who gets the prize. No child- erson home, while Everett is[include both the former and,ren are allowed under 18 years employed by a trucking com.lcurrent nam e. In all instances of age. Refreshmers are )any in California. [the number of the driver li.!free. Donations are 75 cents," - eense should be included, There said the sponsors. VIrs. enry Tom, Mm. Carol is a one dollar fee for the li- ram aud Mrs. Lucille Willie i were hostesses for a wedding shower on Friday at the VFW Hall honoring the newlyweds .Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Miller. Mrs. Miller is the Iormer Karen Lou Tom, daughter of Mr. anc Mrs. Henry Tom. Ray Willie was MC for th evenirg and music for dancing was furnished by George Wood and son Gary and Richard A1 len. A beautifully decorated wedding cake, baked by Cris tine Davis was cut by the young couple and relreshments of coffee, pun, cake and ice cream were served the guests. Many gifts were opened by Karen and Irwin. For the present they are living in Yet. ington. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Moos cense change. All notices of change'should be mailed to the Department af Motor Vehicles, State Office Building, Carson City, Nevada. VISITORS FROM LEON, NICARAGUA Visitors at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. G. B. Simmons, Is their son John, and a friend, Mr. 0. Vincent de Shon De. Bayle Somoza of I.on, Nic- aragua. REAL TRAVELER Four-year old Danny Strong cannot complain of lack of travel or vacation time this summer. Last month he June 20 ac"June 21 companied h!s grandparents, June 22 Mr. and Mrs. William Strong, to Oklahoma to visit his great grandparents for several FLORIDA MA FINED IN SCHURZ George P. Dudk of . Lauderdale, Fla., was ined $15 on a charge of speeding when he appeared before Jus- rice of the Peace Andy Vido. rich on Monday. Tt ; Weather P. L. Jmltm, Jr,. LoDerave Ob'vm" U. 8. Weather Srm Oflleisl RmPri H L Pep June 16 68 42 June 17 76 41 June 18 81 42 June 19 87 48 95 48 97 48 99 57 LOCAL ZIP CODES make many changes in telephone equipment. And we will continue to make changes, each planned in order to make your phone service better and better. IM "ye world's fltlt rs, dlot, elqhone   u_ ago. fllm .loath--between Lol  luad r.a ar4tuzza Ial. hd it's  in olam and going strong. We had a problem in Hawthorne. Half of our craft people were way last week and this week attending National Guard Summer Camp. It happened just when we were cutting in a lot of new equipment. We solved the problem though by bringing in a man from Stead, one from Wlnnemucca and one from Reno to help out. 7:80 p.m. By last Friday we had all the IY phones changed from Corner Phone post to pre py. And on the 20th we cut in the rest of the new equipment. Bible Stud So now you cn dial information "411 ' directly without FI]E going thru the opergtor. And now you can dial "611" and get repair service without going thru the operator. ,t s:s0 Prayer Pd 7 :$0 p.m. And furthermore, you can dial "1" instead of "112" ST. and you will be in the direct distance dialing equipment. These changes make telephone service a lot better. I bet you've already noticed the increased convenience n using your phone. rour telephone is built to last a lifetime and is designed to give you years of trouble-free service. Occasionally, though, as happens in the best of families, one may act up a little. If your phone ever misbe- haves, just call our Re- pmr Service. The num- ber is listed in the front of your phone book. And, "We would like to publicly thank the many business peo. ple of I-hwthorne who bought I ads in our Rainbow Trails,'[ state publication, to help make[ this such an outstanding book for our girls. We would also like to thank the parents and friends who chaperoned the' girls on their trip," officers of the local Assembly said. of course, there's never any extra charge for this service. Bell oi Ievada 7:30 D.m OUR LADY : REV -10:00 8.m. evening Tuesday Other pENDENT New Thurdar liday Beb Reeder, Your Telephone Manager in Hawthorne 4:00 Blood, The Bible tud Moyle of Lee Vining, Calif. and daughters of Sparks were weeks. On the return trip he Wins. Moyle lived in Schurz for Saturday visitors of Mr. ar/visited his father in Arizona a number of yeas and wasMrs. Dave Moose. Their daugh.[and upon return to Hawthorne employed at Walker River In.lter Linch stayed over for a]enjoyed a week's visit to San dian Hospital. Her dughter, week's vacation with her grand.] Francisco with his mother Mrs. ]verett Kinerson, is stay. parents. [Mrs. Mary Strong. VACATION TIME SPECIAL CATALOG STORE FILM SALE No Waiting •, Your Catalog Store Black & White Color Print Color Slide •. Wards Film is Now in Stock at " 22¢ " 66¢ "77€ 3185€ EA. 85€ $1.25 8ram Movie Montgomery Ward Catalog Agency 588 "E" STREET -- PHONE 945-2495 ]]tbbl ...................... 89416 Hawthorne ................ 89415 Luning ........................ Sg0 Mina ............................ Schurz ........................ 89427 Cblm ........................ 89409 lmbllo tend all OUR MOS1 IMPORTANT PRODUCT Copper, of course. But Kennecott's eastern Nevada operations also produce: WAGES  over $8 million dollars worth of wages every year. TAXES  about $2 million dollars in State, Federal and County taxes every year. JOBS  for some 1,100 Nevadans in White Pine County. FRINGE BENEFITS- such as medicat plans, insurance plans and retirement programs. OTHER BUSINESS  Kennecott spends over $7 million dollars every year on equipment and supplies. PROFITS  for our 90,000 shareholders. Kennecott is a business  a big business helping Nevada grow and serving the nation and world with nature's most versatile metal  copper. lion 601 D Kezme00ott Copper Corpora ntered a, at the poet t evada )lines Dlwlzion   =. ELY, RUTH AND McGILL, NEVADA ,T. Ig.